I had a very busy week last week and didn’t keep track of things like I should have. I didn’t drink my water and I didn’t make time to exercise. Other than being busy and not taking the time to do any of the above, it showed on the scales. I gained 2 lbs. No since in making excuses because I don’t have any, other than just not taking the time to do it.
What do I do now? I get back on the bandwagon and keep track daily of what I eat. I fill my water cup first thing of the morning and start drinking my water. I make time to exercise. Whether it is walking up/down my road, going to the park with the kids or riding the stationary bike in my basement. I need to move regardless of what it is.
I really have no excuse. I can do this. It is just a matter of wanting to do it and I *want* to do this. So expect different results next Monday!!