We are starting to get a groove in our homeschooling once again after being so sick the past couple of months. The kids have started their new math, Bob Jones for the younger two and Teaching Textbooks for my oldest daughter. I have also started Hooked on Phonics with the younger two children. They are loving it!
We went to lunch on Wednesday for my birthday. We meet my hubby and a co-worker at a Chinese restaurant in town. My oldest daughter and I took a meal to a homeschool family who had a bay this past week.
was getting a Temp-tations set in the mail from my mother-in-law. Also getting birthday cards and birthday wishes from many friends and family!
Hooked on Phonics is what is working for us! They actually wake up asking to do this first. I am so thrilled they are enjoying school once again.
I have been busy thinking about what we will be using for next year’s curriculum. We will definitely be sticking with Hooked on Phonics, Bob Jones math and Teaching Textbook. I am also going to try Mystery of History with my oldest daughter. Not for sure about Science for any of the kids.
Happy Birthday! I was thinking of Hooked on Phonics, great product?
We are sticking with TT Math as well for my oldest. She is wrapping up 7th grade math now, and is due to start with TT Pre-Algebra mid-June.
I have been planning for next year as well. I've decided to stick with Apologia for my oldest–General Science, but with my younger son–1st grade–we are simplifying and going back to unit studies and lapjournaling so I can include my middle son alongside him. I think simplifying is going to be key for a happy homeschool right now for us.
I hope you all stay well and have a wonderful week! Stopping by from THMJ.