This is the 3rd update of the garden challenge by The Homeschool Village. I had just posted my 2nd update last week, decided to go ahead and post again. There has actually been growth and progress in our little garden.
As you can tell my the pictures, we have had some seeds to sprout up as well as some blooms and fruits/veggies. I am so excited to see the garden doing so well. It won’t be long before we will be eating the fruits of our labor!
I didn’t have the camera set on the right settings, so the pictures didn’t turn out all that well. The picture below is of the garden box my husband built. Right now, it has tomatoes, onions, bell pepper, chives, thyme and oregano in it.
This is another view of the box. The 4 tomato plants that we have in there are taking over a good portion of the box. Two of the plants already have tiny tomatoes on it!
You can see 2 of the tomatoes here.
I love bell peppers and I was so excited to see a bloom on one of them already! I can’t wait for it to fully grow.
In this container, you see onions shooting up. I also have in the middle of this container another bell pepper plant.
I had to replant my cucumber seeds and they are just now popping up. It won’t be long before I will be able to put them in the ground. I am hoping to get enough to make some pickles this year.
We tend to go overboard on tomato plants. This right here will prove in. In the picture below, we have some that we sprouted. There are approximately 72 little ones in the container below. We will sell some and we will give some to our neighbors. We are also hoping to grow enough to can and to make some spaghetti sauce this year. We probably have close to 100 tomato plants. I just couldn’t get them all in one picture.
I didn’t get any pictures of the candy roaster, watermelon, parsley or coriander that we have planted. I will have to try and remember to do that on the next update. Hopefully, by the next update, I will have produce to take pictures of!
I am really proud of how the kids help with the watering and making sure to pick any worms off the plants if they see them. They know the wonderful tasty benefits of having a garden and enjoy it as much as we do!
Your gardens are looking lovely! I've never heard of candy roaster. I'll have to look that up. We've had terrible luck with our tomato and pepper plants this year. I think I'll have to go buy some plants now as the seeds just didn't work. (I found you via the HV Gardening Challenge. ) Stop by and visit my blog!
oh I would love to pickle our cucumbers – but they don't seem to be growing. Love that there is new growth everyday!!
thanks for sharing!
100 tomato plants?! LOL! Awesome. Friends razz me about the year I planted 38!
This all looks wonderful! I can't get over how far ahead you are…. our weather is so cold (even compared with our norm). It's been windy – between 50-70mph nearly every day this past week – and with temps in the low 40s, so our poor plants are struggling just to survive.
Here's hoping for warmth in June. I've already planted around 80 brasiccas – cauli, brocolli and romanesco; and about 40 leeks. But we have so much more waiting to be put into the ground. And I'm soooo impatient!
Our cucumbers haven't done well either. Well, once they were murdered by a well meaning spouse and some miracle grow. The second planting was assaulted by squirells. So I'm guessing we won't have cukes this year!
Wow, that's a LOT of tomatoes! Enjoy canning those!
I love all your baby plants. I'm wanting to can as well–pickles and tomatoes both. Can't wait to see your produce next month.
Wow! We only did one little cucumber plant this year. Still trying to get everyone to eat veggies around here!!
It's looking good! I had to replant my cucumbers as well.
your garden is really coming along! Your tomato plants with the tomatoes on them look about the same stage as ours are right now.
loved your photos!