Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
While we had done a couple of weeks of school back in August, right after we moved to Colorado, this was our first week of school with our curriculum that I shared here. Over all, I think it went rather well. We do have some tweaking to do with our routine, but I think once we get a couple of weeks under our belt, we will be doing just what we need to be doing.
One of the things I have enjoyed the most about our week? My children have gotten up, ready and have eaten breakfast and then got their books out to do school work. They were so ready to get back to our regular routine. They love to learn and that does warm my heart.
Now this isn’t to say that we haven’t had a few tears this week. Even momma has had to talk with daddy during the day to get calmed down. We have all been a little stressed with the move and that has played a big part with some of our attitudes (ahem), me included. That is when we closed our books for a few moments and just talked.
So what has really worked this week. Well, mostly all of the school work, has worked! haha Seriously though, the Illuminations program that I am using, I like it a lot. The kids are enjoying their school work. They love the Mystery of History that we are doing. The books we are reading, we are enjoying. They are loving the Apologia Astronomy that we are reading.
What didn’t work this week? Well, we are trying to get a hang of all the Language Art components. Mostly that was my fault though. I wasn’t nearly as prepared with the lesson plans as I had intended on being. Also, changing from one subject to the next is going to take some work. It has come to my attention that all three of my kids can not be working on math at the same time. Especially, when it is 3 different grade levels of math. I will need to find some independent work for the younger children, while I am helping their sister.
Like I said, over all the week went pretty well. I am happy with it. I am looking forward to this year!
How did your week go? Did you do any special projects?
Romans 12:2
2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Oh…Biology is going to be our undoing. Just because I can’t figure out how’where to fit it in. He wanted to do the text on CD which makes it cumbersome for me to access info I need. It’s a learning curve. I think Fridays all we will do will be Bible/Apologetics, Algebra, and Biology! Maybe given over an entire chunk of the day will help us get it on track. We haven’t even started Spanish yet bcz I’m’ so unhinged by Bio! You’d think after 14 yrs and w/ only 1 student left, I’d know what I was doing, wouldn’t ya!
I think when we add in our foreign language, that will be my undoing. Right now, we aren’t agreeing on what it should be. I want her to take Spanish. She wants to either do Russian or German?? Really?? As I reminded myself often this week, take it one day at a time. Just take Biology, one day at a time. I know you can do this Carol Anne!! 🙂
Hi Joy! We are doing Russian. :). I love the language, plus I figure learning to use the Cyrillic alphabet now will make other languages easier later. I don’t want him to get the mindset that learning a new language is difficult and to be avoided. It took me a long time to decide though, so good luck!
What Russian program are you using? I guess that has been the biggest issue with us in choosing a language. Finding a program that is reasonable and is easy to incorporate in our schooling. Yes, we do need to make a decision soon. I know I should probably go with Russian or German, I just thought living in the US, Spanish would be more practical. 😉
I’m not really using a program. I’ve found some online resources and am playing it by ear at this point. I made a set of picture flash cards and have a couple apps on my phone, plus I found a Russian Christian radio station for my phone. I’m looking for audio stories/ books so we can hear it spoken by natives. I also am trying to do simple conversations (good morning, how are you). If I think of it, I try to give him directions in Russian while he’s driving his power car. Next year I’ll try to implement something more formal. If you guys go with Russian we can do letters and phone calls! 🙂
wow, Michelle! You are a lot more prepared than what I am! I will let you know what we decide to do. 🙂
Oh, and yeah, Spanish would be more practical but I made a command decision not to care 😀
Hehe, I dunno that I’d call it prepared. More like flying by the seat of my pants. Next year when we “officially” start school, I will likely look into some kind of software he can use with me or on his own. I’m hoping I can find some kind of Russian community in Gainesville where we can really talk to native speakers.