The worksheet that Dr. Reeves has prepared for you all is an activity that you can do with your children. It is an activity that Dr. Reeves has done many times to help students understand how scientists try to reconstruct the past. (It is found in Forces & Motion, DeRosa and Reeves, Master Books, and Understanding Science While Believing the Bible, Reeves, The Master Design.) Trying to figure out what happened in the past is much like a detective would try to figure out what happened at a crime scene. Print (or re-create) a copy of a “damaged” drawing of a tree and have students try to reconstruct the way it looked originally. Don’t let them see any of the examples of completed drawings. After they finish, tell them there is no “right” or “wrong” proven answer. Then compare their efforts to reconstruct the tree to how a scientist might try to reconstruct the past.
You can download the worksheet by clicking on HERE.
Now for the giveaway, we have this wonderful book set, Forces and Motion that is written by Dr. Carolyn Reeves and Tom DeRosa. The worksheet that you can download above is actually found in this book!

Forces and Motion
Tom DeRosa, Dr. Carolyn Reeves
From the New Leaf Publishing Group, the description of the books is:
This amazing full-color book is filled with 20 hands-on activities that ignite a sense of curosity about the wonderful God has made. Concepts are introduced in an engaging way – by highlighting the science behind kids at play, like rollerskating, skateboarding, and even running. By guiding students through these easy to understand investigations, they learn to explain, apply, expand, and assess what they have personally observed!
Learn how to:
- Determine the speed and motion of favorite toys
- Create a catapult and experience the mechanics of pulleys
- Set up a floating pencil race
- Discover why friction creates heat
Investigate the incredible world that God has created with science that is fun and educational in this comprehensive series!
Now how do you enter for this great set of books? Enter below! If the Rafflecopter widget does not show up below, please click on it and it will take you to the page to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
[…] Things I’m working on… I am working on the History link-up. I share a little more about it at the bottom. I am also helping out with Teaching Creation Thursday at Creation Conversation! […]