This week, for Wednesday’s Around the World, I am sharing with you the lesson from Mystery of History, Daniel and the Lion’s Den. Daniel was a young man, when he was taken during the first invasion that Nebuchadnezzar made on Judah. When Daniel first arrived to Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar offered food and wine to Daniel. Daniel refused and trusted God. By trusting God, Daniel grew in all ways, including in wisdom and understanding.
The second year Daniel was in Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. Daniel was the only one who could interpret what the dream meant. Everything that Daniel prophesied about came true! Years after the rise and fall of the empires that Daniel had said would happen, he was thrown into a den of Lion’s! Daniel trusted God to protect him and he continued to pray and serve God! Daniel had the faith like no other.
The activity for this lesson was making a lion out of pasta. I figured it would be easier to find a print out of a lion and have the kids glue pasta on for the mane and his tail.
The kids had a fun time doing this little project. It was also easy for us to do. We eat a lot of pasta for lunch in our house, so we always have pasta on hand. As homeschoolers, we always have glue on had as well. I told the kids to color the lions first and then to glue the pasta on. I think they did a pretty good job.
We had a couple of people link up last week so I thought I would share with you what they did.
Ticia from Adventures in Mommydom has been teaching her kids about World War II. She gave a list of movies, that are children friendly in this post. I am excited about this. I am always on the lookout for educational and child friendly movies for my children.
All Things Bright and Beautiful was teaching her children about World War I. This is part 2 of her lesson and she is teaching her children about weapons and warfare.
Be sure to stop by both of these ladies blogs. They have a lot of wonderful suggestions that you can use to teach your children about these important wars.
Now on to the link-up! I would love to see what all you and your children have been learning in history and geography!
We eat a lot of pasta too, for whatever reason I almost always have it with a meal.
And by having so much pasta, I am thinking that is why I can’t get this weight off! LOL