I first heard of Young Living and essential oils late in 2012. A friend of mine had heard about them and started using them. We both have some of the same medical issues, like Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. She was using them to help with the pain, headaches and had even used them when her family had gotten sick with a really bad cold. I had looked up essential oils to see what all the hype was about. I looked at the couple of direct Marketing companies that were selling them and I even looked at the oils that the local health store had. I was a real skeptic about them. Especially the ones from Young Living, because they were so much more expensive. Why were they so much more expensive than the ones at the local health store. The more I researched, the more interested I became in them. I finally decided to give essential oils a try and went with Young Living Essential Oils. Now let me tell you why I love them.
I ordered the Starter Kit with the Everyday Oils Collection. The starter kits have changed since then. They have 3 different ones you can choose from. When I first ordered the kit, everyone had colds and I started using the Thieves right away. I would rub it on their feet and I would diffuse it in the air. It really did help our colds. It cut the length of our cold in half. I would also rub Peace&Calming on my children’s feet, it helped them relax enough to where they would sleep through the night.

Grapefruit, Lemon, Wintergreen, Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree Oil), Citronella, Lime, Thieves, Progessence Plus
For really bad colds, I had been told that R.C., Raven and Eucalyptus Radiata would be good to have on hand. I ordered those next and I am so glad I did. The following month, in February, I truly do believe having those oils on hand and using them on my son, saved us a trip to the emergency room. By alternating the Raven and R.C on his chest, peppermint for the fever, we were able to cut his illness time in half. I had taken our son to the doctor, just to make sure it wasn’t turning into pneumonia and the doctor told me that this cold/cough was taking people up to 3-4 weeks to get rid of. My son was 100% in about a week and a half. He never did have to go on an antibiotic.

Orange, Aroma Seiz, Oregano, R.C., Raven, Melrose, Bergamot, Purification, Cypress, Deep Relief Roll-On.
Like I mentioned at the beginning, I had ordered these oils to see if it would help bring relief with my pain from Fibromyalgia and migraines. When I begin to have flare-ups, I use Ortho-Ease oil, Panaway, Aroma Siez to help with the muscle pain. It ALL helps bring relief. I could not believe it. I don’t use them all together, but depending on the pain and where it is, will depend on what oil I use.
For my migraines, depending on how bad they are, I will use Peppermint and Deep Relief. It works for me. Does it work ALL the time? No, on occasion I have had to use it a few times in a day. There has only been a handful of times that I have had to use my prescription migraine medicine.
Yes, I was a skeptic to begin with, but I am a believer in using oils now. My husband was a huge skeptic and now will turn to use the oils before grabbing any of the OTC medicines. Do I think this will get rid of the doctors for us? No, I feel that there are times to go see a doctor. However, if I can help our family in a more natural way, to get over a sickness, I am going to do it.
If you have any questions about essential oils, I would love to answer them for you. You can email me at jumpforjoy@gmail.com. If you would like to place an order or even sign up to be a distributor, visit my Young Living Website. My member is 1410497 and I would love to have you on my team!