My husband finally got the hornet nest down from the tree in our neighbor’s yard. The hornets nest was only hanging on my a twig, so he was able to throw a stick at it and knock it down.

As you can tell, it is about the size of soccer ball. It has layer upon thin layer of paper thin chewed wood mixed with saliva. Gross, isn’t it!


When it hit the ground, the bottom part fell off of it. You can tell where they bore the holes in the nest.


This part looked like it was where the larvae were at.


I then took a knife and sliced through the middle of the nest. It has 3 different layers inside. This was a pretty neat nest to look at. We plan on taking it to a nature preserve that is near our house to see if they would like to keep it to show kids who come to visit. I know my kids found it interesting!



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