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met a blogging friend!

met a blogging friend!

I have made many online friends since I have started blogging. Yes, I call some friends because we keep in touch by e-mail and Facebook. A few of us even text and call each other. I feel like God has sent some of these wonderful people into my life for a reason. Whether it is for me to pray for them or to encourage them, I am thankful that God has chosen me to be a part of their life.

One of these wonderful blogging buddies just happens to live about 2 hours from me. Her name is Lena and she blogs at Lovin’ My Crazy Life.

She and her family took a family drive on Saturday and headed this direction.  I was honored to have Lena and her family come visit for a couple of hours.  We enjoyed the visit so much!  Our children hit it right off and they played wonderfully for the time while they were here.

We are both planning to go to the 2:1 Conference together in Sterling, VA, in April.  We will be traveling and rooming together.  I am looking forward to getting to know Lena a little more while we travel.  It will definitely be a fun time for the two of us!

Our next get together will be my family heading to her area next.  I don’t know who is more excited, me or the kids!

We actually thought to get a picture of us together!  Isn’t Lena beautiful?  She is beautiful on the inside and out!  I am learning to accept my picture being taken, regardless of how I look.  This is a big step for me. Learning to accept who God made me to be!


once again, I am thankful and blessed.. #641-650

once again, I am thankful and blessed.. #641-650

Deuteronomy 6

1 “Now this is the commandment—the statutes and the rules—that the LORD your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it, 2 that you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son’s son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long. 3 Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that it may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

 4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

As many of you know, I have been reading through the bible with a few fellow homeschoolers.  I just recently read the above verses.  Verse 7 really sticks out to me.  Parents are to teach their children.  Diligently at that!
I am so thankful and blessed that I get to stay at home with my children and teach them.  Teach them about God, his love, mercy and most of all grace.

641.  Seeing my daughter enjoy the nature club in 4-H.

642.  Having memories of my parents dropping me off for my 4-H meetings.

643.  A great 1st day of school in 2012.

644.  Having the boys I watch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

645.  Finding out that we can have a library card at the neighboring county’s library.

646.  Little bursts of sunshine in between the rain systems coming through our area.

647.  The Ephesians study we are doing on Wednesday night at church.

648.  Friends passing on clothing to my children.

649.  Special friendships made online.

650.  See The Light sponsoring me, so that I can attend the 2:1 Conference!!!

I hope you will consider joining me and the others at A Holy Experience!


met a blogging friend!

met a blogging friend!

I have made many online friends since I have started blogging. Yes, I call some friends because we keep in touch by e-mail and Facebook. A few of us even text and call each other. I feel like God has sent some of these wonderful people into my life for a reason. Whether it is for me to pray for them or to encourage them, I am thankful that God has chosen me to be a part of their life.

One of these wonderful blogging buddies just happens to live about 2 hours from me. Her name is Lena and she blogs at Lovin’ My Crazy Life.

She and her family took a family drive on Saturday and headed this direction.  I was honored to have Lena and her family come visit for a couple of hours.  We enjoyed the visit so much!  Our children hit it right off and they played wonderfully for the time while they were here.

We are both planning to go to the 2:1 Conference together in Sterling, VA, in April.  We will be traveling and rooming together.  I am looking forward to getting to know Lena a little more while we travel.  It will definitely be a fun time for the two of us!

Our next get together will be my family heading to her area next.  I don’t know who is more excited, me or the kids!

We actually thought to get a picture of us together!  Isn’t Lena beautiful?  She is beautiful on the inside and out!  I am learning to accept my picture being taken, regardless of how I look.  This is a big step for me. Learning to accept who God made me to be!


love celebrating birthday’s

love celebrating birthday’s

Like I said before, I am behind on posts and that includes my oldest son’s birthday. Since my son had to work on his birthday, we celebrated it the day before. My baby is now 19 years old. Just seems like yesterday when I gave birth to him. He has been a joy to have and has kept us on our toes the whole 19 years. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

For his birthday dinner, he requested chili and grilled cheese sandwiches. He also requested a marbled cake with whipped frosting. I was very thankful when he said a box cake mix would do. I ended up making a milk chocolate cake (2 layers) and a vanilla cake (2 layers) and stacked them alternately with chocolate pudding in between the layers (that was a little surprise for him). Then stopped it off with milk chocolate whipped frosting. Everyone enjoyed this easy and yummy birthday dinner.

I only had 17 candles, but he didn’t seem to mind.  😉
Here he is with his girlfriend and his youngest sister.  

We all had a wonderful evening just spending the time with one another. It doesn’t seem to happen often anymore, having all the kids together like this. I am definitely soaking up the memories that we are making.


Science Fair 2012

Science Fair 2012
Yesterday, the homeschool group I am a part of held its annual science fair. My oldest daughter was a participant in it. This year, there was only 6 students taking part, but they had awesome projects and I am so proud of them.
This makes the sixth year I have organized the science fair. The projects just keep getting better and better. The kids take so much time in doing their projects. They do a great job talking with the judges and explaining how they did it. The science fair is definitely a highlight of the year for me.
Sarah’s project was titles, “Layers of Science: Onions and You.” She was testing different ways that you can get the onions to stop making your eyes water. The different ways she tested were, using a very sharp knife, rubbing vinegar on the cutting board, burning a candle while slicing the onion and putting the onion in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before slicing. We both did this and for Sarah none of the methods worked for her. However, for me, the vinegar on the board worked best.
There were many other suggestions that she could have used; chewing on a piece of bread while slicing the onion, slicing the onion with water running over the onion, putting a lit match in her mouth while slicing the onion. She may continue working on this project to test the other ideas.
At the science fair, in her category, she placed 1st. We are so proud of her.
I normally don’t like getting my picture taken, but decided to get my daughter to take one at the science fair.  It looks like I am looking a little green around the gills!  
We had a wonderful time at the fair and I am already looking forward to see what the kids come up with next year for their projects!
