It has been an interesting couple of weeks. As you may have noticed, I am having issues with my blog. The layout isn’t showing up properly. After trying to correct the problem myself, without much success, I sent an e-mail to the wonderful and talented Tracey from Little Bitty Design Studio. Tracey is the one who designed this beautiful blog for me. She is doing her best to find the solution. Thank you so much Tracey!!
We have also had internet connection issues. After much aggravation of the connection dropping us every 5-10 minutes, I called the tech guys at the cable company. They said it sounded like the modem. So we were given another modem to try. So far, we aren’t being disconnected every 5-10 minutes. It only happens about once an hour. Which I must say is better than before. However, they will now have to send someone out to check the cable outside of the house.
I never really realized how addicted I was to my laptop until I couldn’t write a blog post, check out other blogs or even check up with others on facebook! However, not having access to everything online has freed up a lot of time to take care of other things. It has definitely made me think about how I spend my time. I will be making a schedule for myself now and will be limiting my time on the computer. I am definitely going to get my priorities in order.
Talking about how much time I spend on the computer makes me wonder how much time others spend on the computer. Do you only allow yourself a certain amount of time every day? Do you schedule time throughout the day to do your computer work or do you get it done all at one time? I would love to hear from others on this subject!