They say all things happen for a reason, and I think that is true. When we begin our homeschool year back in late August, it wasn’t with the curriculum I originally thought we would be using. My plans were for my younger 2 children to use Bob Jones. All I needed was the consumables, since I already had the teacher manuals. Due to financial issues, the Bob Jones curriculum did not work out.
When I mentioned this to homeschooling friends, it wasn’t long before I was told that Mystery of History and Apologia Botany was on the way to my house for us to use. I could not believe it. I was so grateful and very thankful that a fellow homeschooling friend helped out in such a way and actually asked vendors if they would be willing to help. In return, I am going to be writing a review for the curriculum.
I must say, when I heard I was going to be getting Mystery of History, that I was a little nervous. I knew that this curriculum was going to be a lot of hands on as well as just reading and answering questions. However, I must say after using it for several weeks, we are LOVING it! The kids are actually excited about doing their history! I didn’t take pictures of the first project we did, but will continue to do so from now on.
The project we did this week involved making creations with play dough. The kids were learning how Adam had the job of naming all of the creatures and animals on the earth. We talked about how hard of a job that could have been since there were so many animals. The kids job was to make a creature that God did not make. They had to make up a totally new animal.
First we made up our own play dough recipe. This is the recipe we used below. Please excuse the dark photos. I was having a hard time getting the camera setting right.
Here the kids are rolling out their dough and talking about what they were going to create.
Once the kids got started creating, they decided they wanted to try to make animals that God had already created. I was okay with that! I was glad they were just excited about their project! Below, Claire’s end project was a gorilla! Can’t you see the resemblance? 😉
Samuel went with a person. I think he did an excellent job! He even included a belly button!
Sarah was a little bit more elaborate with her creation. Since she is studying Ancient Egypt, she went with a Scarab.
I was really impressed with all three of my kids and their projects. I could not believe how well they listened and participated in the lesson.
Like I said, everything happens for a reason. It was meant for us to use Mystery of History this year. Not only are the kids learning a lot, but so am I. I would never have chosen this before because of it being so hands on, but God knew what we needed in our homeschool this year.
I am excited for future lessons and for what we (including me) will be learning!