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The L.E.N.S. photo challenge

The L.E.N.S. photo challenge

The LEarning Never Stops photo challenge.

This challenge comes from Home Is Where You Start From.
She is challenging us to take a photograph using or highlighting a theme she chooses each week. This week, the theme is colors!

I looked through my pictures that I have just recently taken and came across these 2 photos of my youngest children. We were visiting our neighbors flowers while they were in full bloom. She was telling us about the different types of flowers and how long they had been planted in her yard. The children had a blast looking at each type and seeing if they had different smells from each other.

We always have an adventure every time we are able to visit and talk with our wonderful neighbor Mrs. Dixie.



The L.E.N.S. photo challenge

The L.E.N.S. photo challenge

The LEarning Never Stops photo challenge.

This challenge comes from Home Is Where You Start From.
She is challenging us to take a photograph using or highlighting a theme she chooses each week. This week, the theme is colors!

I looked through my pictures that I have just recently taken and came across these 2 photos of my youngest children. We were visiting our neighbors flowers while they were in full bloom. She was telling us about the different types of flowers and how long they had been planted in her yard. The children had a blast looking at each type and seeing if they had different smells from each other.

We always have an adventure every time we are able to visit and talk with our wonderful neighbor Mrs. Dixie.



How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ours is growing by leaps and bounds. Amazing at how much our tomato and bell pepper plants have grown in the last week or so. The reason why? The wonderful sunshine and rain that our God has bestowed upon us lately. When it hasn’t rained, we have watered the plants as well as faithfully pulled weeds so the plants could flourish.

Just as we take care of the plants, if we take care of ourselves in the same way, we will also grow and flourish. I have noticed that if I take care of myself, read my bible daily and have my prayer time that I also will grow in leaps and bounds.

Just as we take care of our garden, God will take care of us..

A variety of Veggies..

Our first tomato of the season…

The first bell peppers…

Our Queen German tomato plant. Tomatoes could grow to be 2 lbs each…

Our extra tomato plants…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ours is growing by leaps and bounds. Amazing at how much our tomato and bell pepper plants have grown in the last week or so. The reason why? The wonderful sunshine and rain that our God has bestowed upon us lately. When it hasn’t rained, we have watered the plants as well as faithfully pulled weeds so the plants could flourish.

Just as we take care of the plants, if we take care of ourselves in the same way, we will also grow and flourish. I have noticed that if I take care of myself, read my bible daily and have my prayer time that I also will grow in leaps and bounds.

Just as we take care of our garden, God will take care of us..

A variety of Veggies..

Our first tomato of the season…

The first bell peppers…

Our Queen German tomato plant. Tomatoes could grow to be 2 lbs each…

Our extra tomato plants…

Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sweet Shot Day

Today is Sweet Shot Tuesday. This is hosted by Life With My 3 Boybarians. Be sure to check out all the other awesome blogs with great pictures that have linked up today. Truly some wonderful pictures being posted today.

My “sweet shot of the day” is this picture of the creek running through the Great Smokey National Park. It is just so peaceful to me. Hope you enjoy it!