Now that I am blogging more and even doing more reviews for homeschooling curriculum, books and other products, I found that I needed a better way of keeping track of the reviews and when they were due. Since I am also now a member of Mosaic Reviews, our first review was of a blogging planner. It couldn’t have come at a better time! I have looked at a lot of different blogging planners over the last several months. Ones that you can purchase and also ones that are free. However, there was one blogging planner that I just kept coming back to. The blogging planner that Mama Jenn designed. I was so excited that it was on the list of planners to choose from.

picture of Mama Jenn’s blogging planner is from
There were several reasons that I chose Mama Jenn’s 50+ plus page blogging planner. First off, it is a 12 month planner. I wanted a blogging planner that I could plan for the whole year long. Each month, she has several different pages grouped together. The first page is a monthly calendar page. It has plenty of space to write the title of the post on each date and then has little boxes at the bottom of each day to check off when you have shared it on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Pinterest.
The next page that is in the month section is the monthly blog planning. You can write down your major posts that you do every month. There is also a column to keep track of your to-do lists and goals. She also includes several pages that I can keep track of giveaways and reviews. Mama Jenn even included pages for you to keep note and write recommendations down.
Mama Jenn went above and beyond in creating this blogging planner. She has extra bonus pages that include a full year calendar, a page to help you keep track of your blog stats, a page to write down extra ideas for posts and several blank pages for you to use any way you need to.
I was extremely impressed with everything that she included in this blogging planner. I mean, she thought about everything that a blogger does when they sit down to write a post. Best of all? This blogging planner is free!
So far, the blogging planner is working really well for me. It has helped me stay on track and has made it a lot easier for me to plan ahead so that I do not over plan. Now that I have my blogging organized, time to find a planner to help me organize my homeschooling and house!
How do you stay organized? Do you use a paper blogging planner or do you use one online?