Our friends at Twenty 6 have donated a beautiful friendship bracelet for the giveaway this week.
Friends since 7th grade, Andrea and Rachel decided to start a blog/business together. Thinking about their friendship of many years, they decided to call it Twenty 6. This is based on the verse,
Proverbs 20:6
“Many can say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?”
What is in their Esty Shop?
Andrea and Rachel have always been very “girly”! They love feminine and pretty things. Andrea has had fun exploring the world of “girl stuff” since she had Alaina in 2009.
They sell a variety of things that girls ages 1 to 99 will enjoy. You will find adorable handmade bows as well as personalized bow holders which are hand-painted by Andrea’s sister, Lisa Dickson.
So how can you win a beautiful bracelet?
* Mandatory – visit the Twenty 6 shop to see some of their limited time fall items and tell us which bracelet you would choose if you won! www.etsy.com/shop/twenty6
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Now on to the Hop!
How to join Hip Homeschool Hop:
1. Place the Hip Homeschool Hop button somewhere in your post or in the sidebar of your blog.
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3. Link up your blog, twitter, and/or facebook page below in the McLinky. The link up will be open every Tuesday from 12AM midnight – 11:59PM CST (24hrs)
4. Comment on →at least← the person linked above you and let them know you’re coming by from Hip Homeschool Hop. Comment on as many as you’d like – Follow as many as you’d like!
5. Some week’s we’ll have giveaways and at the end of each month we will feature one Hip Homeschool Mom for all of us to get to know better.
6. Have fun and help us spread the word about Hip Homeschool Hop!
***Do you have an item or product that you’d like us to giveaway at the next Hip Homeschool Hop? Please email us at: HipHomeschoolMoms(at)gmail(dot)com***