I am very thankful and blessed for our church family at Woodland Baptist Church. It was truly by the grace of God that we found a church that we can call home. They are truly family to us.
141. Friends who pray for you and with you.
142. An active youth group that goes on mission tips.
143. A song service that will move your heart and soul.
144. Our first snow fall of the season!
145. Our bible study on the churches in Revelation.
146. Our bible study from the book of James.
147. A pastor willing to stand up for the word of God.
148. A giving church willing to help anyone who needs it.
149. Godly women willing to mentor to younger women.
150. A church that believes in prayer.
You can also take part in the Multitude Monday by visiting A Holy Experience. What are you thankful for or what blessings have you received this week? I would love to hear them!