As I sit here thinking on the last month of our life, I can look back and know from all that has happened, that our family has truly been blessed. A lot happened, but God was with us every step of the way. Was it a hard trip? Yes. Were there times that I thought we would never make it and this was a big mistake? Yes. Yes, there were. I even cried at times. I wondered why all of the bad stuff was happening. I had felt peace about the move from the very first time we heard Buddy had the job. I was questioning if we had missed something, a sign that we weren’t supposed to move cross-country. However, I could not think of anything that would have felt like a sign from God saying we should not take the job and move.
What kept me going? This verse in Joshua. There is also one found in Deuteronomy that is almost word for word. It just wasn’t any verse, it was a command. It was a command to Joshua, just after Moses died. However, I think it applies quite well to our life right now. It was where God was commissioning Joshua to carry on what Moses had started. I feel like God has charged us to do the same.
Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
This is what I have tried to do this whole time. Be strong and to have courage. God has lead us out here to Colorado for a reason. We made it to Colorado safely and now we are settling in. As for the reason God lead us out here, I don’t know it yet. I don’t know if we will ever know why we were lead to Golden, CO. However, I do know that we must do our best to live daily for Him. I will be doing this by putting one foot in front of another. By taking care of my husband and children. By glorifying God in all we do. Will it always be easy? No. God never said it would be easy.
We will just be taking it day by day and counting our blessings as we go.
981. rain to help this dry area.
982. cooler weather.
983. horses for my daughter to take care of.
984. riding lessons in exchange for the horses being taken care of.
985. beautiful wildlife, right out the front door to watch.
986. beautiful sunsets.
987. beautiful sunrises.
988. friends to talk with.
989. quiet time to pray.
990. memories of my dad.
Won’t you join me and others at A Holy Experience, counting blessings?