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so thankful and blessed… #926-941

so thankful and blessed…  #926-941

Since I shared a couple of weeks ago about our upcoming move, we have been busy going through our belongings, seeing what needs to be packed and what needs to be purged. We have been busy tying up loose ends and spending as much time as we can with friends. In two short weeks, we will be pulling out and heading to Golden, CO. Even with all of the emotions that go along with a big move and all of the excitement that comes with a new adventure, I still do get a little scared and nervous about this open door that God has set before us.

Isaiah 41 talks about fear and how God is always with  you.  The one verse in that chapter that sticks out the most is verse 10.

10 fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

So as the next 2 weeks pass us by and we say our goodbyes for now, I will be praying for God to take this fear of unknown away and to prepare me for the door He is opening for us.  I will continue to pray and to thank Him for all the many blessings that he continues to give us.

926. supportive friends and family of our upcoming move.

927.  an amazing homeschool support group I had the pleasure of being the leader of for the past 5 years.

928. a special mom’s night out with the homeschool moms to say goodbye to.

929. the beautiful watercolor painting of the mountains, from the group, so I would have something to remember them by.

930. the sweet and kind words that they spoke of me, that I do not feel were deserving.

931. the precious pool party that the homeschool support group planned for our families, so our children could say goodbye.

932. the thoughtful notebooks that a mom blessed my children with, with words of encouragement and sweet goodbyes written.

933. the many hugs that were shared among everyone.

934. an awesome evening celebrating the 4th of July at our church.

935. grandparents coming to visit and to help us pack.

936. friends offering their time to watch my children so that I can get some packing finished.

937. an amazing week of VBS at our church.

938. all of the workers who helped at VBS for the week.

939. the 5 decisions made for Jesus by children at VBS this past week.

940. the help of friends in Colorado to help us find a place to live.

941. seeing friends accept the call to a church of their own.

So many blessings this past two weeks.  I am looking forward to see what more blessings God has in the future for me and my family.

I would love for you to join me and the others linking up at A Holy Experience. We would love to see how God has blessed you and your family.

berry picking during the summer months..

berry picking during the summer months..

I have really enjoyed this Summer Bucket Series I have been a part of this week.  I am very thankful to Honey for inviting me to be a part of it and have enjoyed getting ideas and being inspired by the other bloggers that joined in on the fun.  If you missed my first 4 posts, you can check them out here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4.

One of our favorite things to do as a family every year is to go berry picking.  We love to go to a local farm to get our strawberries.  They have a strawberry festival every year.  My husband has helped them before with their music part of the festival.  We have missed going this year to pick strawberries, and I am hoping once we move that we will be able to find another farm out in Colorado.

Another place we love going to pick berries, is the Blue Ridge Parkway.  They have blueberry bushes along the side of the roads in an area close to us.  Every year, towards the end of July – beginning of August we pack up a lunch and head to the mountains.  We have our favorite spots that is very safe to pull off the road and to pick the fresh wild blueberries.  You do have to be careful, because you aren’t the only ones who are picking berries.  We have been told that some people have come across bears and other wild animals eating berries while they were picking as well.  I am thankful that we have never shared an area with a bear picking while picking blueberries!

Blackberries is another berry that our family loves to eat.  There seems nothing better than a freshly baked blackberry cobbler with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.  We have a lot of blackberry bushes along the side of our road that we live on.  The kids and I have taken buckets and just walked down the road and have come home with enough berries for several cobblers.

We are blessed to have a lot of local farms in our areas that do allow you to come and pick your own berries.  While I do love going to a local farm, I still think it is great to be able to step out your back door and to pick berries from the mountains.

As we are packing up to move across the country, these are memories that I am thankful I have of this area.  My children and I have grown and learned so much about living in the mountains and respecting the mountains and the wild animals that live here.  We are also looking forward to the new adventures that await us when we move out to the Rockies in Colorado.

Do you have local farms that you are able to go and pick fresh berries, fruits and vegetables?  I would love to hear about your adventures that you have had!

Be sure to stop by the others who are participating in the Summer Bucket List series to see what fun they have been up to!

Honey @ Sunflower Schoolhouse

Tonya @ The Traveling Praters

Jeniffer & Melissa @ Sisters ‘N Cloth

Lisa @ Creativlei

Nancy @ Proverbs 31 Jewels

Jennifer @ Teaching Boys

Kelli @ Adventurez In Child’rearing

trips to National or State parks…

trips to National or State parks…

I am truly enjoying sharing fun ideas from our Summer Bucket List.  I have also been enjoying seeing what others have been doing as well.  I hope that we have been able to give you some ideas and inspiration to start a bucket list or even add on to your bucket list you already have made!

Something else our family loves doing together is going to state or national parks.  We are blessed to live in a state that has several in our area.  Our family is just minutes from The Great Smoky National Park and The Blue Ridge Parkway.

One of our favorite places to go is the Mountain Farm Museum in Cherokee, at the Oconoluftee Visitor Center.  A couple of times a year, they have this wonderful Mountain Farm Life festival.  They have volunteers dress in period clothing and they give examples of how folks lived in the late 1800’s.  You will see women standing over open flames with a huge kettle on top making lye soap.  You will also see women making apple butter, too!

There are always men and women showing the the guests how to make brooms from corn talks and tassels.

They have the house open so you can see the simple life that people had.  The kitchen is usually warm with women baking cornbread and beans in the fireplace.  They also bake cookies as treats for everyone who comes by.

One of my kids’ favorite areas to visit is the games area.  A gentleman brings his toys that he has collected and made over the years for every to give a try.  It is so hard to get the kids to look at other things when they see this area!

I love seeing the area set up at the Apple barn.  They have a tent set up where they are making molasses the old way.  The mule is walking around in circles at the grinder, pressing the juice from the cane.  They then take it to an area that has a huge shallow pan where they pour the juice from the cane.  Under it is a fire that keeps the juice boiling to burn the water off.  What is left is the syrup from the sugar cane.

Next to the molasses tent is the apple press.  They take the apples and slice them up in a big bucket.  They then have this press that they use to mash all of the juice out.  What you get is fresh apple cider!  It is so delicious!

We were able to attend the Mountain Life festival this past September, but missed it this past Spring.  I am hoping to at least get one more trip to this beautiful area before we move in a few weeks.

Do you have any National or State parks in your area?  There is usually a small entrance fee to the parks, but it is well worth the money.  I know I always enjoy a trip back in time to these beautiful places!

Be sure to stop by the others who are participating in the Summer Bucket List series to see what fun they have been up to!

Honey @ Sunflower Schoolhouse

Tonya @ The Traveling Praters

Jeniffer & Melissa @ Sisters ‘N Cloth

Lisa @ Creativlei

Nancy @ Proverbs 31 Jewels

Jennifer @ Teaching Boys

Kelli @ Adventurez In Child’rearing

so thankful and blessed #914-925.. plus some big news

so thankful and blessed #914-925.. plus some big news

God is so amazing at how He provides for His children.  We never go without or lack anything that is a necessity.  He knows our needs even before we do!  Yes, He knows what is going to happen to His children.  I am thankful for all that He has given and blessed us with.   I am going to keep trusting Him too. he hasn’t failed us yet.  So, I am looking forward to see what he has for us in our next adventure as a family.

Jeremiah 29:11

11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

After praying and praying and asking close friends to pray for and with us, my husband has taken a new job at a University.  The University is in Golden, Colorado.  Yes, we will be moving.  Moving 1500 miles away from our home and oldest son.  Moving even further away from our extended family in Florida.  After much praying and trusting in God, we will be moving at the end of July.  Only 5 short weeks away.  Yes, God knows the plans he has for us.  He just wants us to trust him and take that leap of faith.  Our family is going to do just that.  So, as we begin to pack and spend some last minute time with friends around us, I ask that you keep our family in your prayers.  This is even a bigger move for us than moving from Florida to NC, yet, we are excited about the plans that God has laid before us.

Now on to the many blessings that He has given us.

914. a job that my husband has enjoyed the last 7 1/2 years.

915. friends and family that have been praying with and for us.

916. a new job that will offer more income and better insurance.

917. our small garden growing and producing veggies and fruits.

918. air conditioning

919. coca cola to sooth my stomach when I have a migraine

920. friends to confide in.

921. scripture to help us make better decisions.

922. a praying husband.

923. praying children.

924. my daughter being able to go camping with a friend.

925.  Jeremiah 29:11.

I would love for you to join me and the others linking up at A Holy Experience. We would love to see how God has blessed you and your family.

5 years ago today…

5 years ago today…

Five years ago today, June 22nd, my family lost a very special person.  My dad.  He was a wonderful man of God.  He did his best to raise his family in a loving Christian home.  He wasn’t a perfect man, but he did do his best to live for God daily.

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about him.  Especially around the holidays and birthdays.  He was always the first one to call me early in the morning.  He was always there for all 4 of us kids.  If we ever needed anything, all we had to do was call him.  There are still some things that I will ask myself, “what would daddy do in this situation.”

Cancer is an evil disease.  It took my dad way too soon in my opinion.  However, I know God took him home when we wanted him.  My dad had done his job on this earth and it was time to go on to his heavenly home.  I am thankful for all the memories that I have of my dad.  However, the best part is knowing that he is in Heaven with God and I will be there with him one day singing and rejoicing and praising God right along with him.