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Teach Them Diligently Conference Early Bird Special Ends Soon!

Teach Them Diligently Conference Early Bird Special Ends Soon!

Teach Them Diligently early bird special will be ending soon. In fact, it ends this Thursday, November 15th, 2012. If you want to hear speakers Pam Tebow, Ken Ham and Voddie Baucham and many more, buy your tickets soon!  Take advantage of the early bird special!

What is Teach Them Diligently Conference about?  Here are a few questions answers that might be able to help you understand a little more about the conference.

What is the Teach Them Diligently Convention?

Teach Them Diligently is a large, but intimate celebration in the Word of God and
His plan for families. The goal of the convention is to encourage parents to
focus on discipleship and soak their homes in the gospel. The organizers pray
over this convention for months and bring in speakers and vendors with the same
focus. The result is not just your typical homeschool convention book fair or
academic exercise, but something more. The parents are entrusted with the
special task of leading their children through the Word and to equip them to be
our Lord’s servants in the world.

Where will the Teach Them Diligently Convention be?

Teach Them Diligently is coming May 2013 to Spartanburg, SC; Nashville, TN; and
Omaha, NE. In 2012, this convention was in Spartanburg, SC, and attracted a
community of over 7000 homeschoolers.

What is the vision of Teach Them Diligently?

We view homeschooling as a form of ministry and state whether we realize it or
not, we reproduce who we are in our children. Therefore, we have a constant
need for renewal and encouragement in Christ. This is the reason for the Teach Them Diligently Convention. We believe a homeschool convention should be a
waterfall of enrichment and encouragement in Christ, and a re-focus toward

Who will the speakers be? A variety of speakers including Voddie Baucham,
Ken Ham, Heidi St. John, Clay & Sally Clarkson, Davis & Rachel Carmen,
Israel Wayne, Debra Bell, Hal & Melanie Young and many others will join us
to minister to the families coming to the Teach Them Diligently Convention.

Our family plans on attending the conference in Omaha, Nebraska.  Will I see you there?

*this post contains affiliate links.

so thankful and blessed… #1051-1060

so thankful and blessed… #1051-1060

When I see this verse, other than thinking about God sending Jesus to die on the cross, I can’t help to think about another group of people who have put and continue to put their lives on the line for us.  That is the men and women who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.   Because  of those who have served and are serving,  We have freedoms that a lot of others do not have.

John 15:13

13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

So in honor of Veteran’s Day, I thought I would share a few freedoms that I am thankful for.

1051.  the freedom to worship how I believe.

1052. the freedom to attend a church.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

1053. the freedom to stay at home with my children and homeschool them.

1054. the freedom to have a gun.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

1055. freedom of speech.

1056. I am thankful for my Uncle who served in WWII.  He lost his life while he was in the Army.  He was only 22.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

1057. I am thankful for my great grandpa who was the youngest to serve in the Civil War in the state of Florida.

1058. I am thankful for my father-in-law who served in the Air Force in Vietnam.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

1059. I am thankful for my step-father-in-law who served in the Air Force in Vietnam.

1060. I am thankful for the many more who served, are serving now and their families who sacrifice so much for us.

Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial

I would love for you to join in counting the many blessings that God gives. Stop by A Holy Experience and visit others who are also sharing their many blessings.

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal


I missed last week linking up with The Homeschool Mother’s Journal.  Honestly I can’t remember why I even missed it.  I just didn’t think about writing about her week.  I enjoy doing this though.  It gives me a good look at our week about what all we have accomplished or did not accomplish.  Stop by iHomeschool Network and see all the others who have linked up!

  • In my life this week…

    I had a pretty full week this past week.  Started off the week by taking the kids to the Denver Zoo. (post will be coming soon).  On Tuesday, we found where we needed to vote. While I am disappointed in the way the election turned out, I know God is still in control and as long as we keep our eyes on him, God will take care of our family.  I am also helping with social media for the Teaching Creation Thursdays at Creation Conversations.

  • In our homeschool this week…

    We had a great week in schooling.  My youngest son finished his math workbook and has started the next grade level.  We are learning a lot in MOH and did a cool project in our Apologia Astronomy book. (Post on that coming soon).  My oldest is participating in the NaNoWriMo project for the month of November.  The younger kids are doing great with their reading.  I am very pleased with how our school year is going.  I feel like we are accomplishing a lot.

  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

    Do not be afraid to ask for help.  I have a hard time with that one, but there are some days that I just have to ask for help.

  • I am inspired by…

    I love this question.  Since I have begin blogging, I have had so many ladies to inspire me not only with blogging, but with homeschool and even with my faith.  One of those ladies is Rebecca from Mom’s Mustard Seeds.  She is a sweetheart and a true woman of God.  While I have never met her in real life, I feel like I have known her forever.  I can’t wait until I am able to hug her neck.

  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

    We went to the Denver Zoo and plan on going back to the Zoo free day on November 16th.

  • My favorite thing this week was…

    I had several favorite things this week.  The zoo trip was definitely a highlight.  I also got a new pair of boots!  Getting back to my country roots!

  • What’s working/not working for us…

    I am extremely happy with our curriculum.  We are using Illuminations this year with Mystery of History, WonderMaps and Hands On Geography.  We are also very happy with the Apologia Science curriculum we are using.

  • Things I’m working on…

  •  I love helping and encouraging homeschool moms with their homeschool journey and their faith.   I was recently asked to help out with the Teaching Creation Thursday at Creation Conversations.  I would love for you to join us!
  • I’m grateful for…

    I am grateful for my husband’s job that he has at Colorado School of Mines.  It is the reason why we made the cross country move and I know God provided it for him.

  • I’m praying for…

    I am praying for our nation.  I am concerned about the future of our nation with the re-election of the President.  I am also praying for the other leaders that are in office.  I just keep telling myself that God is in control and as long as our family keeps our eyes on Him we will be okay.

  • A photo to share…

    We went on a field trip to the Denver Zoo this past Monday. Our neighbor who homeschools her boy, went with us.  We had an amazing time!  We can’t wait to go back!

    kids looking at an elephant skull

Stop by iHomeschool Network and see what all the other homeschool moms have been up to this last week!

*affiliate links are in this post

Jim Hodges Audio Books ~ a review

Jim Hodges Audio Books ~ a review

Recently, I was sent 2 audio books from Jim Hodges Audio Books, to review.  While we haven’t used audio books much in the past in our homeschooling, I am thinking I will try to incorporate using audio books in our lessons more.  We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to these mp3 files.

Stories of the Pilgrims from Yesterdays Classics and Wulf the Saxon written by G.A. Henty.

Jim Hodges sent me Stories of the Pilgrims for my younger two kids.  For those days that we have been sick and have not felt like reading aloud, this has worked out perfectly for our family.  Stories of the Pilgrims begins with Queen Anne’s visit to Scrooby Inn.  It continues to tell the every day life of the Pilgrims from England and Holland, in a story form.  It tells of their voyage on the Mayflower and of adventures they have in the New World.  This is a perfect story to listen to leading up to Thanksgiving.  The Stories of the Pilgrims is split into 43 chapters and is 4 hours and 10 minutes long.

Mr. Hodges also recommended that my oldest daughter choose a G.A. Henty book.  He has quite a few to choose fr om. My oldest daughter chose G.A. Henty’s book “Wulf the Saxon:1066“.  She loves this time period in history.  Wulf the Saxon:1066 is about when Harold Godwinson is crowned King of England is 1066. William of Normandy contests his right to be king because of an oath previously sworn to support William’s own acquisition to the throne.  The story has 22 chapters and is 12 hours and 35 minutes long.

I was really excited when Mr. Hodges had suggested Pilgrims for my younger children.  I love this time period and love reading about the settling of the country and how the Pilgrims sacrificed so much to start over in a New World.  The CD’s came in the mp3 audio file format.  They came in a CD case with a very nice cover.  We listened to the CD’s in my computer for us to listen to while sitting down.  I played it using Windows Media Player.  Once the program came up, all I did was hit play.  Very easy to use!   You can start and stop at any of the chapters when you need to and start back up where you left off.  I really like this a lot.  You can also play this in any CD player as long as that CD player can play the mp3 audio files.

Once the stories began, Jim just sucks you into it with his smooth voice.  His voice brings the stories to life and truly makes you feel like you are right there in the story with the characters.  Once you start listening to the stories, you definitely do not want to stop.  He keeps your attention and has you waiting and wanting the stories to continue!  The recordings are really great!  Overall, the kids and I truly enjoyed these stories and are looking forward to getting more to listen to!

For the month of November, you can get Stories of the Pilgrims as a download for $15 this month on the Jim Hodges Audio Books website!


*I was sent these cd’s to review.  The opinions expressed are of my own.

{31 Days of Thanks} Blog Hop ~thankful and blessed…

{31 Days of Thanks} Blog Hop ~thankful and blessed…

31 Days of Thanks

Psalm 106:1

106 Praise the Lord!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,

for his steadfast love endures forever!

I am so excited to be a part of the 31 Days of Thanks Blog Hop, that is being hosted by Meg at Homeschoolin’ Mama.   What is the 31 Days of Thanks Blog Hop?  It is where 31 bloggers have come together to share what Thanksgiving is to them, how thankful they are and who they are most thankful for, leading up to the day of Thanksgiving.  Also, as an added bonus, there are gifts being given away! Be sure to check the bottom of this post for your chance to enter for the gifts this week!  I have enjoyed reading everyone’s thankful posts.  I hope you have enjoyed them as well.

I have always loved Thanksgiving.  From as long as I can remember, Thanksgiving has always meant being with family and being thankful for what God has given and blessed our family with.  We would all gather at my grandma’s house and have a huge feast.  It was always a family reunion of sorts.  My dad’s side of the family would gather together and celebrate her birthday on that day as well.

However, several years ago, during the summer I was reading Ann Voskamp‘s blog, A Holy Experience and she was talking about being thankful and writing down what God had blessed you with daily.  I honestly had never thought to keep a journal about all the many blessings that God had given me.

By doing this, it really helped change my outlook on life.  By focusing on what I could be thankful for, it took away the focus of what was not going right.  I was a real worrier.  I worried about EVERYTHING.  There would be times that I would worry so much, I would literally make myself sick.  That is not what God wants us to do.  He wants us to focus on Him.  To have faith in Him.

James 1:2-4

Count it all joy, my brothers,when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


Worry is a sin.  I wasn’t trusting God enough.  I was putting my faith elsewhere.  I was putting it in man, in money, in everything that I shouldn’t have been.

Matthew 6:24-25

24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

I now look at Thanksgiving not only a day in November, but every day of my life.   I have an amazing God who loves me and loves me so much that He gave His SON to die on the cross so that I could have eternal life with Him.  I have a wonderful husband and 4 blessings that I call my children.  We have a roof over our head, food on the table and clothing on our backs.  My husband has a great job.  We have our extended families that we love so much.  We live in a land that we are free to worship God.  I am free to be at home with my children and homeschool them.

Do bad things keep happening?  Of course, we do.  Do we still all sin?  Of course, we do.  It is human nature for all to sin and do bad things.  I am thankful and blessed to have that chance to ask for forgiveness and to do my best to not sin again.  God has given us that chance.

Look around you and see what you can find to be thankful for.  Write it down.  Do it on a daily basis.  I promise you, you will begin to see things is a different light.  A better light.   As long as we keep our focus on God, we will find so much to be thankful for.


Don’t forget to enter  for a chance to win one of these amazing gifts! If you do not see the Rafflecopter widget down below, please click on the link.  It will take you to the Rafflecopter widget so that you can enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway