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Teaching Creation Thursday at Creation Conversations

Teaching Creation Thursday at Creation Conversations

I am so excited to be a part of a new group on Creation Conversations.  It is called Teaching Creation Thursday.   I will be helping out Carolyn Reeves from Underground Paradigm.  While Dr. Reeves will be doing the majority of the writing and having guests post, I will be heading up the social media for this amazing group.

Each Thursday, there will be a post from Teaching Creation that will help parents navigate a sometimes difficult, confusing pathway about the origin of life and humans. We live in a wonderful world that was planned, designed, and created by God. We want to be an encouragement to you that this can be taught to your students with confidence.  Advanced degrees in science are not needed. Be sure to check out the free resources and giveaways you will find on Teaching Creation Thursday.

So, how do you join? Sign up at if you have not already done this. Look for Teaching Creation Thursday under “Groups” and click the invitation to join this group.  Also, be on the lookout on Facebook, Twitter (using #hashtags  #teachthetruth and #HScreationThurs) and Google +, for updates and new articles from Teaching Creation Thursday.

We look forward to having you join us at Creation Conversations in the Teaching Creation Thursday group!    Here is a look into what Dr. Reeves will be discussing:

There are two accounts of the origin and history of the world. One account provides a naturalistic explanation of how everything in the universe began. Supposedly, a single spot in space rapidly expanded, producing all the matter and energy of the universe, an idea known as the Big Bang.  Stars, planets, and moons, condensed and cooled out of a swirling expanding nebula, along with energy and basic chemicals. Finally, one-celled forms of life arose on Earth from random, chance combinations of chemicals. Over millions of years, these first living cells became multicellular organisms, which continued to evolve into organisms with more specialized tissues and organs. Finally, some kind of ape-like animals evolved into modern humans. The primary mechanisms for these changes were natural selection, genetic recombinations, and genetic mutations. In this account, God is irrelevant or false.

The other account tells us that everything in the universe was planned, designed, and created by God with great wisdom and power. The first man and woman lived in a perfect garden in harmony with their Creator. Early in the history of the earth, these first humans disobeyed and rebelled against God, introducing sin, death, and imperfections into the world. Although they probably developed many kinds of advanced technologies, most people had little regard for their Creator. As violence and evil corrupted this civilization, God decided to destroy them and the things they had built, except for one man and his family, along with a sample of the land animals who were preserved in an ark. A catastrophic flood covered the world until that first civilization was destroyed. The Flood was a unique unrepeatable event, as was the Ice Age that followed it. A few generations after the Flood, there was a failed attempt to build a great one-world government, and people dispersed to all parts of the world.  But, in spite of man’s rebellion, God chose to redeem men and women from sin, eventually sending His Son Jesus to complete His plan for redemption. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated by Christians as the greatest event in human history.

 The account of history we choose to believe form one of the basic planks of our worldviews and many of our fundamental Christian beliefs. There are a number of resources and great writers who will be sharing ideas about teaching the Creation version. We invite you to visit Teaching Creation Thursday often to find understandable ideas that will help you teach the Truth of the Creation account.



so thankful and blessed….

so thankful and blessed….

 Colossians 3:17

 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

 The month of October has passed and we have now entered into November, the month we all celebrate Thanksgiving.  However, I have been doing my best to celebrate Thanksgiving daily, year around.   We have so much to be thankful for.  Even with a week of sickness, several days with a migraine, I can be thankful.  Thankful that I have medicine to help with the migraine.  Thankful I can go to a chiropractor and have my neck/head adjusted.  I just look at times like this as God telling me to slow down and to refocus on what is important.  Good or bad, I will praise Him.

1041. another week with my family.

1042. being asked to help with social media on Creation Thursdays at Creation Conversations.

1043. children who help around the house.

1044. sickness/migraine to slow me down to refocus on what is most important.

1045. new friends in Colorado.

1046. an invite to the Colorado Symphony. (field trip post)

1047. letters from friends back on NC.

1048. encouraging messages from fellow homeschoolers.

1049. being able to help and encourage others.

1050. quiet Sundays at home with the family.

I would love for you to join in counting the many blessings that God gives. Stop by A Holy Experience and visit others who are also sharing their many blessings.

so thankful and blessed…

so thankful and blessed…

I just love this time of the week.  Another week full of blessings has passed us by.   I love thinking about all that God has done for my family and I.  Every day, no matter what type of day we have had, I can always think of something that God has blessed us with.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 

17 pray without ceasing, 

18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1031.  Being able to go to a Symphony.

1032. Their dad being able to go to the Symphony with us.

The view from our seat.

1033. the experience of trying to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. (we did get to see Paul Ryan standing in the front of his bus when he pulled up late.)

1034. being physically able to walk up the side of that mountain!

1035. the cooler temps!

1036. the beautiful snow that we got!

1037. watching the kids play together in the snow.

making snow angels

1038. calling my momma and wishing her a very happy birthday!

1039. helping the kids put their costumes on.

1040. the costume party at the apartment complex.  The kids had a really good time talking and play with other kids.

Link (from Zelda), Emperor Palpatine (from Star Wars) and Wonder Woman!


I would love for you to join in counting the many blessings that God gives. Stop by A Holy Experience and visit others who are also sharing their many blessings.

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge and Squaw Pass Road

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge and Squaw Pass Road

I have mentioned before that our family loves to go on drives in our area. We also love to take pictures. This is a post that is picture heavy from a recent drive that we went on. We first headed to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. They have a beautiful visitor center with a lot of historical information about the place and how it came to pass. They have also just recently opened up a 9 mile loop that your family can drive. We were so excited that the loop was opened and we were able to take a drive around it. These are a few of the pictures that we took.



ducks swimming

Mule Deer

Prairie Dog

Prairie Dog


After we left the Wildlife Refuge, we headed back towards Lookout Mountain to get on the Lariat Loop.  We took this picture of the town of Golden, CO and the Colorado School of Mines.  This is were we moved to, so my husband could work at that University.

Colorado School of Mines from Lookout Mountain Road

We some how another missed the Lariat Loop turn-off and ended up on the Squaw Pass Road.  While we may have missed the turn-off, we sure didn’t miss the beautiful views of the mountains and wild life.  I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing God’s creation.

Echo Lake

Snow-capped Mountains

Mountains on Squaw Pass Road

Mountains with snow

Mule Deer on Squaw Pass Road

Mule Deer

Herd of Elk

Herd of Elk in Evergreen

I love driving around and exploring where we live with our family.  We always have so many wonderful adventures with one another!