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Wednesday’s Around the World ~ Athens, Sparta, Manasseh and The Powers of Mesopotamia

Wednesday’s Around the World ~ Athens, Sparta, Manasseh and The Powers of Mesopotamia

I am really enjoying the Wednesday’s Around the World link-up.  Not only do I love history and geography, it also helps hold me accountable for our lessons.  Athens, Sparta, Manasseh and The Powers of Mesopotamia is what we have studies this last week in our  Mystery of History: Volume 1 book.

We began reading about The Rise of Athens and Sparta.  Sparta was a very strong city-state.  They trained men, women and even children to do battle.  They didn’t allow people in and out of their city because they feared their neighbors.

Athens was also a large city-state, but they were a little different than the Spartans.  They enjoyed cultural things.  They loved the arts! The people of Athens enjoyed music, drama and were even known for their love of pottery.  They decorated the pottery they made with all sorts of designs.

For our activity, we were to draw a design of our own on a piece of pottery.  I could not find a terra-cotta clay pot, but did find some that were already painted a solid color and fired.  I let the kids choose their color of pot and they also decided to use colored permanent marker instead of a black marker.  I love my kids imaginations!

Claire choosing her colors

Once they chose their pot and markers, they started drawing their designs.

being creative and making their own designs

Claire and Samuel both decided to draw trees and flowers on their pots.

finished pottery designs

The finished products turned out great!

Next we read about King Menessah, the son of Hezekiah.  We learned that he was nothing like his father.  He was a very bad and evil king.  The sins he committed were horrible, including using the Temple that Solomon built as a place for God, and he put his own idols to worship, in there.

We also see a change though after 22 years.  King Manasseh was captured by the Assyrian Army and taken to Babylon in hooks and chains.  While he was in prison, Kind Manasseh began to pray!  He really prayed to God.  God heard his prayers and forgave him.  Once King Manasseh was released, he spent the rest of his life trying to fix all that he did wrong.  He tried to turn his kingdom around for God.

The next lesson we studied was about “The Powers of Mesopotamia”.  Two groups, the Assyrians and the Babylonians were in Mesopotamia.  They were very similar to Sparta and Athens.  How?  The Assyyrians were like Spartans.  They didn’t trust anyone, and were very war-like.  They were terrifying to other places around them.  The Babylonians were similar to the Athenians.  They were very educated in math.  In fact, they created several things that we still use today!  The number of minutes in an hour and the number of degrees in a circle!  It is so amazing at how smart these people were with the little they had!

Now it is your turn to link up and share what all you have been learning about in history and geography!

****disclaimer~ This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.  This post also contains affiliate links.


Wednesday’s Around the World~ A History and Geography Link-Up

Wednesday’s Around the World~ A History and Geography Link-Up

We had a wonderful Christmas break and I was so excited to start school back on January 2nd.  I was excited that we would begin our history and geography so that I could do the Wednesdays Around the World.   We did begin school on January 2, except by evening time, my husband and youngest son had gotten sick.  Eventually, one by one, our whole family would be sick with me being the last one to get sick.  Hit hit me like a freight train on Monday night.  I have spent most of the day, Tuesday, in bed.  Since we have been sick and unable to do our schooling, I thought I would go over why I started Wednesdays Around the World and what you need to do to link up with us.

Wednesdays Around the World: A History and Geography Link-Up, came from my love of the history curriculum that I am using.   I started using Mystery of History in the fall of 2011 and immediately fell in love it it.  History has always been a favorite subject of mine, but I loved how it was written and put together by Linda Lacour Hobar.  I then started using the Illuminations program from Bright Ideas Press, who also publishes the Mystery of History.  They also have some great Geography curriculum that they publish as well.  The more my kids and I did the lessons with the projects and activities, the more I wanted to share with everyone else what we were learning.  That got me to thinking about doing a history link-up for those who love and use any of the Bright Ideas Press curriculum that they publish.  I contacted a couple of people I know from there and told them about my idea.  They loved it!   While they love my idea and support me on this, they do not have anything to do with the link-up.  I am doing this on my own with their blessings!

I started this link-up the week of Thanksgiving and then continued it until the week before Christmas.  We took a few weeks of for the Christmas season and I am ready to get back to sharing what we are learning in Mystery of History, Volume 1.

Who can link-up to Wednesdays Around the World?  Anyone who is using the history, geography or WonderMaps curriculum that is published by Bright Ideas Press.  This includes Mystery of History (all volumes), All American History, WonderMaps, The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide, Hands-On Geography, Cantering the Country and Galloping the Globe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.  I want this to be a fun learning experience for everyone!

If you have started school and have a lesson, activity or project that you want to link up, I would love to see it as I am sure others do, as well!  Grab the button (although it is not mandatory) and just follow the instructions on the link-up below!

**disclaimer~ This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.  This post also contains affiliate links.