Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The day we recognize when God gave us his Son. It is also a time where we spend with family and give to those who we love. I have always loved Christmas. I love being with my family and spending time with them.
However, it can be hard at times when most of your family is many miles away from you. In years past, since we have moved away from family, there has only been one Christmas that we have missed with our extended family. It was the Christmas 2010 when we were snowed in. This year, we weren’t snowed in. We were 1700 miles from our extended family. While it has been tough, we definitely made the most of it.
Our day started off with us waking up to snow. My husband, oldest son and I were up at 6:30 am. It wasn’t long after we walked into the living room that our two daughters joined us. We were just waiting for our youngest son to wake up. Well, my oldest son got tired of waiting on him (it had only been like 5 minutes! LOL) and woke him up.
We opened gifts and enjoyed seeing what grandparents has sent to us. I cooked breakfast, while the kids started opening up games to play together. After we ate breakfast, the kids continued playing the games. After a couple of hours, my hubby started cooking our Christmas lunch. We had rib roast, mashed potatoes and green beans. It was a delicious meal, but most importantly, we were all gathered together around the table together.
We have enjoyed having dad off for the week. He doesn’t have to go back to work until January 2nd. We have had movie nights, have had fun playing games and putting Lego sets together. This time is flying by with one another and I am soaking up every minute we have together as a family.
Enjoy this time with your family. Blessings to you through the rest of this Christmas season and into the New Year.