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why I love Bright Ideas Press, a History link-up and a giveaway!!

why I love Bright Ideas Press, a History link-up and a giveaway!!

Every since I started using Bright Ideas Press History and Geography last year, my kids and I have truly fell in love with it.  This curriculum works for our family.  How does it work?  The Mystery of History Volume 1 that we have been using, teaches Ancient Civilizations through the time of Christ.  We did start this volume last year, but started it over this year when I found out about their Illuminations program (which I also highly recommend!).  I am so glad that we did start over.  I am able to use this history book with all three of my children that I am homeschooling this year.  They are in the 9th, 2nd and 1st grades.  I love the fact that I can use it with all three kids.  Each lesson consists of a lesson that can be from 1-3 pages long.  Then at the end of the lesson, there are activities and projects for younger, middle and older children.  It works out great for us.  Also, in the back of the book, they have a book list for extra reading for the lessons.  I also have to mention the WonderMaps program.   The amount of maps that they have, starting with the ancient civilizations and going through chronological order, up through modern times is amazing!  We are also enjoying the Hands-On Geography and the Time-line.  It is so fun to see my kids enjoy history coming to life!

Just look at what we did this past week!

Soap Carving talking about Jonah and the Big Fish

Olympic Wreath Making










So as you can tell, we love all that Bright Ideas Press has to offer!  That is I am going to host a history link-up for those who are using Bright Ideas Press curriculum.  If you use ANY of the history or geography curriculum that they publish, this link-up is for you!

Since it is Thanksgiving weekend and I am late getting this post up, I won’t do a link-up today.  However, come  back next Wednesday with your posts ready!  I will also have a landing page at the top of the blog that you will be able to click on with all the info needed.  I will also have a button in the side bar that you will be able to put on your blog as well. (Thank you to Honey at Honeycomb Design Studio for creating the beautiful buttons and banners!)

I also have to let you know that this was my idea and I am doing it all on my own.  While Bright Ideas Press does know about the link-up, they do not have anything to do with it.  I will be hosting it on my blog .  They are supporting me and have even donated $20 in store credit as a first giveaway!

That’s right, the giveaway that Bright Ideas Press is donating, is a $20 store credit.  It is just in time for this weekend’s sale!

All you have to do to enter the contest is leave me a comment telling me what you would use the $20 store credit on at Bright Ideas Press!  I will choose a winner late Friday night.  That will still give you plenty of time to use the store credit!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

**UPDATE** Using, the winner is Cindy!!  Congrats!!

Disclaimer~ “This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.  There are affiliate links in this post.  If I do make any money from you using the links, I will in return use it to purchase curriculum for our schooling.”

my blog, a new name and new look…

my blog, a new name and new look…

As you know, I no longer live in the Great Smokies of North Carolina.  We moved about 6 weeks ago to the beautiful state of Colorado.  So, I knew that I would need to change the title of my blog to something else.  I was asked if I would change it to My Home In The Rockies.  I had thought about that, but decided against it.  I joked with my husband that we probably would be moving again in another 7 years or so and I would have to change it again.  Then the work began of trying to think of a new name that would fit me and what I write about here on this blog.  I knew I wanted something that would fit our family, our faith and our homeschooling life.  After much thinking and praying, after talking with my husband and friends, I settled on “A Journey of Joy”.

a little sneak peek of my new blog

Why did I choose A Journey of Joy?  For the past several years, I have looked at my life as being a journey.  Everything I do, I do it one day at a time and I do it because I am on this trip of a lifetime.  A journey that hopefully will bring me closer to God.  With my faith, I am on a journey.  A journey to grow more in God. To praise and glorify Him every day.

Then, I am on this journey of homeschooling our children.  Again, it is something we do one day at a time.  We learn together as a family.  We take trips back in time, with history.  We do this to praise and glorify God.  He is the reason why we are homeschooling.

Then, my name is Joy.  Yes, I was blessed to be named Joy.  Other than being my name, what is Joy?  What does it mean?  The Merriam-Webster says

Definition of JOY

a : the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires
b : the expression or exhibition of such emotion
2: a state of happiness or felicity
3: a source or cause of delight

So while it is my name, I also want this blog to be a place of finding happiness.  Finding a source of delight.  We all know that being on journeys can be difficult at times.  I want to be able to go on the journeys with you and us find that happiness and delights together.  To get through those tough times of when things don’t go the way we think they should.  When we have those days that it seems like nothing is going right.  I want to be there to pick you up and encourage you in your faith and homeschooling journey.  Will you come along with me on this new journey?  I sure hope you will!

The new blog should be up and running on Monday.  Honey and Jonah from Honeycomb Design Studio have been working so hard to get this blog designed.  We will begin the process on Saturday.  Yes, I will  be bringing everything from this blog, to the new one.

I do have a new Facebook page for the new blog and you can find it here.  I hope you will stop by and like the new page.

I am looking forward to this next step in my journey.  I have a lot of new and exciting things planned an I can’t wait to share them with you.




settling in and catching up

settling in and catching up

View of Golden, CO from Lookout Mountain.

We have been in Golden, Colorado for 3 weeks now.  It finally feels like we are getting used to the area and the climate.  I think everyone is adjusting well and seems to be liking living here, so far.  Even though we are in a vacation rental for another couple of weeks and will be moving to an apartment in 2 weeks, I feel like we are settling in with our new life here.

We have been taking a more hands on approach with our homeschooling by doing field trips and a study of the state of Colorado.  We are just taking it one day at a time until we can get into the more permanent rental and I can get the rest of our books here.

Our oldest son has started the local community college, Red Rocks and has already gotten a part time job at a local grocery store.  Our girls will be starting dance soon and our youngest son is considering taking dance as well.  We are also checking into the local recreation centers for sports they can play.

My husband is enjoying his job a lot at the Colorado School of Mines.  He will also begin to take classes at this college next semester to further his education in his field.  One of the perks of working for this college, is the classes are free for him.

As for me, I am hanging in there and doing alright.  I feel like I am behind in everything.  While I know we will be settling soon in our new apartment, it just can’t get here soon enough.  I know what we will be doing for school, I just have to get it written down and get everything scheduled.

As for the blog, you can see I am still writing on “My Home In The Smokies”.  I am working on my new blog and hopefully it will be ready soon.  I am excited about the new name and the new design.  Honey and Jonah of Honeycomb Design Studio are working hard, helping me get everything ready.  I have several reviews coming up for different curriculum’s that we are using this year.  I am also still writing for The Homeschool Village once a month.

I have a lot of wonderful plans for the new blog.  I want to focus more on our homeschooling, as well as our photography.  I feel like God is leading me to help and encourage homeschoolers more than ever.  I just have to figure out how He wants me to do this.  I still feel like I have a lot to learn when it comes to blogging.

There are couple of conferences that I want to go to this next year.  One is the BEECH Retreat.  It is being held in Captiva Island, Florida.  I feel like this time with the wonderful speakers would definitely benefit me tremendously.  They actually plan to have classes where the speakers actually help you focus on your goal.  The second conference I would like to attend is the 2:1 Conference.  I was blessed to be sponsored by See The Light Art, to attend the conference back in April.  I learned a lot from this conference and can’t wait to go back.

I am looking forward to see what God has planned for our family.  I am also looking forward to see what God has planned for me and this blog.  I feel like I am heading into unknown territory, but know that God will be there with me every step of the way.  I hope  you will come along on the ride with me.  It is going to be another adventurous ride letting go and letting God.