If you missed the first two parts on Monday and Wednesday, you can read them here at part one and part two.
After we made it to Russell, KS and got us a good nights sleep, we were up and on the road, ready for the trip to be over with. We still had quite a few hours left to drive, but I knew God was on our side and we would make it to Colorado. At this point in the trip, Buddy was quite miserable with the poison ivy. His arm looked really bad and he was just not well at all. No matter what we did, or what we put on it, it continued to spread. I knew we needed to get to Colorado soon so we could get him to a doctor.
I have to be honest, this part of the trip was the least eventful of all the days we were on the road. The girls had started to feel better and the van was running smoothly. It was just us and the open road. With an occasional car or two.

We kept right on rolling along, until we stopped for a quick lunch (which was to-go). Back on the road for more driving while looking at nothing but farm fields. Having nothing but open space around really give you time to think and time to pray. I know this trip I did my fair share of both. I was thinking about all that we had to do once we got to Colorado. Setting up a new house, making sure we get all the proper paperwork taken care of address changes, switching vehicle tags over and the dreaded driver license test and picture. Most importantly for us though, finding a new church. It is important to our family to find a group of fellow believers, to worship with. I prayed constantly, too. It seemed like from the day we left, that something bad had happened. However, God has been with us every step of the way. Through the good and yes, even through the bad. He always provided for us when something went wrong. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I did my fair share of what now? Why this? What is going to happen next? Every time I did though, He always came through. God never let us down. Even through all of my whining and complaining, He was always there. Yes, all those thoughts crossed my mind as I drove across this beautiful land.
Just when I thought we would keep driving and never get to Colorado, we saw the Welcome to Colorado sign (I was driving and was unable to get a picture of it). The kids were thankful that not far after this sign, was the welcome center. Since we had drove straight and didn’t even get out for lunch, we stopped for a few minutes to stretch our legs. They had this cute visitor center that showed a lot of historical buildings and antiques. We enjoyed ourselves for a few minutes.

Then it was back on the road. We were all excited by now, since we were in Colorado. It would only be a couple of more hours before we would be in Golden, CO. When we started getting towards the city of Denver, I started pointing out little things that I had noticed on our trip back in May. The kids really started getting excited. Then, when I turned off the exit and started heading down town, this is what welcomed us. This beautiful sign. “Howdy Folks! Welcome to Golden, Where the West Lives!”. Yes, we finally made it to our new home.

Like I said, the rest of the trip was not as eventful has the first few days. I was really thankful for that. Once we got into town and into our hotel room (we wouldn’t be in our rental for another 3 more days), Buddy did go to the Urgent Care Clinic. They gave him a shot of an antibiotic, cleaned his arm really well, wrapped it and sent him on his way with a prescription for the antibiotic and steroids. They were quite concerned and told him to come back the following day. With the medicine in him, you could tell he was feeling better and the rash was starting to dry up. He started work that Monday and hasn’t looked back since.
I also want to say thank you all for the many prayers. It means a lot to know that you are cared for. I have a few more stories to share of some things we have done since we have been in Colorado. Hopefully, I will be able to start blogging more regular now that we are getting settled. Continue to pray for our family as we find our place here in Golden, CO. Blessings.